When our son was about 3 months old, we decided we were ready to integrate cloth diapers into our lives. I grew up with cloth diapers (though they were very different then!) and thought environmentally it was a choice we wanted to make. We didn't completely switch, but decided to do it about 75-80% of the time. For nighttime and longer naps, we used disposable, since we never found a cloth that stayed dry enough at night.
We were very fortunate to have a great resource a few miles from our house. I refer people here all the time. The Diaper Lab has a plethora of cloth diapers and they help you customize your purchase. Although initially it is a big investment, it works out that money is saved on diapers over time, as disposables are bought so frequently, especially in the early months.
The ladies at Diaper Lab talk you through exactly what you are looking for, your lifestyle, the size and age of your baby (if the baby has been born), and help you select some diapers. There is a two week trial period, which we really needed, since we had only purchased G-diapers at our local Whole Foods and then found they leaked on our son. We tried six different diapers before settling on two different kinds, and ended up purchasing about 4 of one kind and 12 of another. All of our diapers could be used until our son was about 30 lbs, as they were adjustable.
The Diaper Lab holds cloth diapering classes, has an online site, and now has expanded to host baby food making classes as well as baby wearing classes (offering a variety of slings and carriers).
In the early, sleep deprived days, they were supportive and helpful, and practical in the matters of applying this change to our lifestyle.
They are now located in Davis Square in North Cambridge, at 200 Elm Street, as well as having a number of online resources.
The Diaper Lab
The diapers in action.
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