Thursday, January 24, 2019

Childcare Co-op in Cambridge

An alternative childcare arrangement for playdates and community building:

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  • The way it works is you sign up to host one “playdate” a month. It can be as simple as “pizza and a movie,” or if you have a special talent like singing, yoga or robotics, you can offer an enrichment activity like a “coding workshop” or "improv class." 
  • Then, you invite your friends and child's classmates to your playdate. In order for their kids to attend, they need to host their own playdate and invite you! You can invite as few as 2 friends, but if you want more childcare and activities, we suggest inviting as many friends as possible. You earn one playdate for every child who attends yours. So if 3 kids come, you earn 3 playdates! If 10, 10 playdates, etcetera...
  • You can also make new friends by booking playdates with people you don’t know yet. On the website, you can see who lives near you, message them to meet up for a parent-accompanied playdate or invite them to your playdate. If you see someone you're interested in sharing care with but haven't met yet, we recommend you find a time to meet up for a parent-accompanied playdate or a parent mixer so you can get to know them first. 
  • Parents with babies are welcome too! If you have a baby, you can offer something like a daytime playgroup or a caregiver & me playdate.
Our aim is for it to be a great way to share childcare with your friends and child’s classmates - and hopefully to make new friends too! If you're interested, you can sign up here to be part of our first group of families to try out the website and give us feedback! (IT'S FREE)
It takes a village to raise a child so let’s make it easier by helping each other out!  To learn more or sign up, visit :

Discovery Museum

The Discovery Museum in Acton recently reopened as one renovated building with new and updated outdoor space.  The museum which has been around for 35 years, received a large donation from Middlesex Savings Bank, and reworked much of the interior space.

The museum is kid-friendly, hands on, and has a room for babies, one for toddlers, and plenty of activities for school age children.
Indoor space includes a water play area, light and sound rooms, ball runs, a pirate ship loft area, and other exhibits.  A big air machine is a hit and a magnetic gear wall upstairs is fun to interact with. There is a work area where kids can create and craft projects with recycled materials and wooden machinery that can be put together with tools.

Outside a new playground and tree house structure have been erected, which abut the Discovery Woods.  The museum has a great educational program for schools and groups, or activities for parents and children to join.  Their website gives a calendar of upcoming events.
click below:
Discovery Museum Website

Light activities.

Light room.

Water play, building Legoes to stop water flow.
Outdoor swing.

Sound room, each bulb makes a different pitch.

The museum does get crowded on school vacation weeks and during the winter months.  Traditional naptimes are a good time to go, or with little ones, during the school week.