Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quick Kiddie Takeout Meal

I have lost the guilt over not being able to cook every meal and resort to takeout on occasion.  My husband actually found this kiddie meal that we are a big fan of at Chipotle, a burrito chain.  It costs $3.99 and includes a taco kit- rice, beans, and a meat if desired, a taco or burrito shell, organic milk or juice, and a little baggie of chips.  Since there are so many Chipotle locations, it is an easy pick up.  The ingredients they use are part of "Food with Integrity," meaning the animals are supposed to be humanely raised and ingredients fresh with a low impact on the environment.  I haven't researched this thoroughly, but would love to believe that it's true.  Meanwhile, the convenience of the locations and the fresh burritos are great!

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